Experiment #3 - Physical interaction in a Virtual Space - ARDUINO - FAIL


After successfully getting the MakeyMakey to work after not that many issues we wanted to try something more complicated, Arduino, with a rotating handle to simulate a faucet.

We want to try a real faucet, like the one in the created 3D Model of the bathroom, but we wanted to go for this one first, (yes the proportions are off).

I worked on the faucet, while Anuraj worked on the coding side of things where we followed a simple Instructable tutorial. 

We couldn't get the input to work through a capacitive touch though :(.

We played around with the code and everything, it seems like the issue was something physical, perhaps we plugged in the transistor/resistor in the wrong place? Regardless we could not get the LED light to light up.

Tomorrow we are meeting with Erik, in the Hybrid Research Lab, so we can troubleshoot and hopefully update this post.


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