Idea 1.5 1/2

 Idea 1.5 1/2

Ok so this term I am teaching myself MOCAP by following Nick's class from last term, having finished one of the first assignments using Motion Builder last term on premade models that are previously rigged. (I may help with the class next term therefore I want to be as familiar with it as possible.) 

I was supposed to shadow the class but it conflicted with Muschio's Digital Media Histories class and didn't have time to follow along. This term my idea is, like I said, to follow that class but maybe for more incentive I can use that class as a way to explore a new project in this class? Perhaps I can combine that with the Julia ideas I had in the previous post?

My goal this term is to have one finished project, or to a point I am happy with. Last term I experimented a bunch with Touchdesigner and some Unity. And my end result was some ideas that were interesting but nothing substantial, I'll post tomorrow on that idea as a project I might revisit.


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