Artist Inspiration #4 - Queerskins


 "In this Peabody Award winning, emotionally-charged experience, you are seated in the back seat of a photo-realistic 1986 Cadillac, behind Ed and Mary-Helen, Sebastian’s parents, as they take a journey down a country road in rural Missouri.
Get to know Sebastian through the drama unfolding in intimate proximity in the front seat as well as by interacting with a collection of Sebastian’s personal belongings including his diary. Was he a “disgrace” like his father says or a “good man” as his mother believes??"

Queerskins explores the dynamic tension between the “real” and the virtual, fact and fiction, memory and desire through a compelling, character-driven narrative. The story revolves around a complex relationship between a devoutly Catholic mother and her gay son who dies of AIDS. Queerskins explores the quintessentially human desire to transcend ordinary reality through memory, belief and imagination.

Queerskins offers visitors the opportunity to connect with an urgent social message in a non-didactic, emotionally powerful way. Through story and technology, it puts visitors in the position of experiencing the intimate interior worlds of others. It is our hope that this will lead to an emotional engagement with the characters and themes and an empathy for the characters’ personal experiences, and by extension, for “real” persons who grapple with love, illness and loss.


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