Digital to Physical - Idea #2


Last term I ended my interactivity class experimenting with going between Touchdesigner and Unity and  then back again in TD. The goal of this experiment was to not only learn how to go between the different programs, including building a Rendertexture through the NDI camera and then using spout to send that texture back in TD, but it also was to input animations into Unity to then show in TD.

Here is a video of my process:

A quick sketch:

I projected the 360 camera onto a cube, obviously the seems don't match up but that can always be figured out later.

I used a 360 Camera and put it in a room like 3-D object basically and switched back and forth between programs. I accomplished a very basic version of this, but I didn't really create a piece or final product, it definitely seemed like more of an experiment. It would be interesting to have a 3-# camera in a scaled down version of a miniature room and output that into Unity and project it onto the life-size, actual room, which would require building a miniature version of my bedroom for instance, so whatever is manipulated in Unity digitally is shown through this projection. 

Bringing AR into this is definitely my ultimate goal as well.

These ideas, including the former idea,  can definitely work in tandem with another.


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