Project Outline


Try something you might fail at.

Everything. But seriously.

The previous post was a direct copy and paste of Anuraj's and myself's Brainstorm session of what we are doing. It was disorganized, it was messy, but it was the start of something, and something hopefully that will be fruitful for both of us. 

To copy and paste what Anuraj says so succinctly:

"The project can be divided into two parts – the virtual and the physical. Building a virtual space is a function of time, testing and level design, things that I have a background in. The physical part is where it gets tricky. So an initial plan would be to investigate ways of connecting physical input into a game engine that supports VR, such as Unity or Unreal. I am familiar with capacitive touch sensors, so that may be a good starting point. Initial ideas for physical interactables could include a model of a water pump, such as a faucet, or a wheel. Dave mentioned Motion Cap as a means of tracking player hands, so there is the possibility of polishing up the hand animations in a manner that is not restricted to VR controllers. So, if I were to describe this draft of the idea in words, I would call it exploring VR/AR using alternative controllers." 

I want to use this info to make Julia, and perhaps other projects I have done in the Past more AR or VR. For example here is an image of a kinetic sculpture I made: 
Emil mentioned why even have the pulley system instead of making it an AR system where you move the pulley system through the app on the camera. I liked it being physical but I think it could have been both physical AND digital.

Week 1
- Set up Bloggy

Week 2 
- Brainstorm ideas through blog

Week 3 
-Met with Anuraj to decided where to go from here and how to incorporate our skill sets together
-learn basics of motion capturing, learned how to calibrate system

Week 4 
-prepare PRESENTATION -Learn basics of ARToolkit - sphere in real space
-Build basic scene in Unity and Unreal (perhaps find Wheel Asset in import)

Week 5 
-Get wheel, or faucet moving
-learn some more motion capturing - week 3 -

Week 6 
-Track hand in virtual space using Makeymakey?
-Track other objects using simple controller
-Decide a final project idea using the techniques and experiments we have used so far

Week 7 
-Continue experimentation
-focus on final project, work through it

Week 8 
-focus on final project, work through it

Week 10
-Have a final project to share that hopefully would incorporate motion capture, sensors, digital to physical experience.


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