Arduino - Rotary Encoder Fail to PASS!

 So we tested the rotary encoder on Saturday and eventually we got the two lights to light up, Anuraj was working on that while I was working on the Makeymakey updated version, we ran into some issues though as when we pipelined that into Unity we kept getting weird numbers, different than what we saw in Arduino, After a lot of frustration we decided to call it a day.

On Monday Anuraj came over and we tried to troubleshoot what happened on Saturday. We first started investigating what was happening in Arduino and he discovered that CCW and CW was switched. We eventually discovered that the wires had to be switched. 

Once we figured out what was going on in Arduino we brought that into Unity. Unity was still giving us garbage numbers, even after adding the delay but we were able to fix it as seen in the video:


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