Experiment #3 - Physical Interaction - ARDUINO.....PASS? PASS!

This was from last week but we got Arduino to work! I just wanted to update!

The first video demonstrates how we were able to get the capacitive touch to work and integrate it with Unity, with a a cube that will go left until you touch it, and it goes right. In the previous Arduino test we just didn't have the circuit right, and we brought it into the hybrid lab and Erik helped us out, we needed to move a wire around and resistor(transistor). 

The bottom video, and picture of the circuit shows this configuration and process. Although I was not as helpful in this process, I documented it and built some of the objects in the video. We had a threshold for the capacitive touch....if it was over a certain level it would move the other way. Tomorrow we will be working with the rotary encoder and the faucet to produce the particles. We got another Arduino so we will be able to test both at once and thus have two inputs integrated into Unity. 

(We were going to try to have both inputs on one Arduino board but...we were speaking with Erik about it and it seemed to get a bit more complicated and he suggested to keep it simple. (Both Anuraj and I decided to get our own Arduino's.))


This was in the hybrid lab. 


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