Vuforia Optimization

 One issue we were having with Vuforia is that the cube we were using would be very unstable when first recognized. We tried moving the GO around in different places but the object would either appear somewhere else or still be jittery be unstable!

We tried putting the imageobject as a child of the VR camera. Obviously then the object followed the camera, in fact it was behind me and I couldn't see it. To summarize we were basically having issues with the spawning of the sphere, we even tried making both static, Anuraj wrote a code.

That didn't work either!

So what we did is we basically did the same thing that we turned on the flashlight with, using events in Vuforia so every time the program recognizes the QR code the sphere would spawn where it is supposed and it also would spawn with 0 jitter. 

Problem solved.


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