Queer Worldbuilding + Glitch

The glitch is a queer "thing" changing the nature of of something "normal." "This 3D model is glitching here, because of the vertices so therefore it is wrong and thus we should fix it, not unlike queerness." In Legacy Russell's Glitch Feminism, they say a glitch creates a "fissure where new opportunities can manifest...through digital worlds we create new worlds." It therefore demands an occupation as a means of world-building. "The glitch acknowledges that gendered bodies are far from absolute but rather an imaginary, manufactured and commodified for capital. The glitch is an activist prayer, a call to action, as we work toward fantastic failure, breaking free of an understanding of gender as something stationary." As a white, cis mostly homonormative male, what is my busniess and gender, like what do I care about gender since I pass as male. (I feel queer is more than that though.) Queer isn't just weird though. José Esteban Muñoz wrote in his Cruising Utopia, “Queerness is that thing that lets us feel that this world is not enough, that indeed something is missing.”4 Is Munoz saying that the something missing is the here and now? Legacy Russell states that, "Imbuing digital material with fantasy today is not a retro act of mythologizing; it continues as a survival mechanism. Using the Internet to play, perform, explore still has potential. Giving ourselves this space to experiment perhaps brings us closer to a projection of a “sustainable future.”" "Glitched bodies—those that do not align with the canon of white cisgender heteronormativity—pose a threat to social order." This is especially true now! What I think interesting is what they later state, we will struggle to recognize outselves if we continue to turn to the normative as a central reference point." "Glitch as nonperformance." a refusal to perform! KILL OR WAIT! the spinning wheel of death. "Sometimes the act of staying alive is an act of worlldbuilding."


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