Random thoughts today after lecture and meeting on Tuesday

Concepts of play and queer performance in VR spaces...imagined worlds, a place for worldmaking. I just wanna make stuff! I just wanna be an artist and create stuff, but why is it important that I do?! The ego tho! These are previous issues I have had in MFA program but maybe prescient now because I am truly a complete person when I create something, that sounds super corny rn. What do I want to create! I want to create an interactive performance with aspects of AR and VR, with physical objects and other performers, an embodied performance. I think what the nature of the performance is is determined what space it's in, through site repsonsive installations...Go back to make AR work in that space Queer personal stories in VR, these ideas are personal maybe to no one else but me, creating queer narratives through digital and physical site responsive installations? Is this it? What is a queer narrative? How is my narrative more important than anyone elses? I feel like this is what I feel and my issues are in. Who cares about me? not really but how is the self integrated in the production of new knowledge? Here I want to reference one of my former professor, Kimberly Perez' research, who was super supportive of my work: Interests: As a scholar-performer I am interested in narrative performance that gets at constructions and embodiments of identity and relations. When someone tells their story in public—in particular those stories that do not circulate in mainstream culture—to an audience of self, an/other, or many in a performance space, connections and potentials can be revealed, made, even undone. In doing and telling we might find alliance, coalition, and other unknowns that differences in and discourses of race, gender, sexuality, class, and nation often preclude. Performance is rife with possibility as well as danger. It is a site we can simultaneously reinforce and interrupt that which constrains and produces us; it is a site where resistance, decolonial practice, and social justice are sparked, realized, begun. Can I incorporate the phone here? Oh interesting the real life phone....but is there a way to play with what I have access to in that tiny space.


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