Research Update

Spring Quarter: This Spring I took Motion Capture, the independent study for MBDANCE, and Designing for Interactivity. I focused on learning Motion Capture and teaching college back again, so much time went into those aspects, as it was a process. Next time it will be smoother. Post-mortem- The term was ok. I did not get as much as I thought I would have gotten done, but the second part of the quarter I started to. Paul was right my research tapered off some, but my reasoning is that I had other important stuff come into play that will be helpful for next year, such as looking at and getting a new studio space, looking for an apartment.... so I can do both. I needed to focus on getting that space for my research! Also I don't know if I was burned out from Winter but I think I need to take a little break myself. And honestly I am struggling a little bit with time management, even though I am working on projects a lot! The blog is helpful for me, and I agree I should be really using this more for writing too. My goal is to make a schedule to accomplish starting Monday! "You can include posts of all the hybrid spaces combining virtual and physical, and give critiques on each. You can also look into creation of media and cultural content for other cultures, and crtique on their application to your area of queer studies. Also, your research board gives you a good roadmap to do more directed research into each of the nodes. e.g. What are the various VR technologies or even different definitions of VR and immersion. Same with AR." This was a good call. Summer Quarter: This summer I am taking an independent study in order to #1, qualify for Financial Aid, and #2, really focus on research. I will be looking at immersive spaces and offering critiques of them. My goal is 1 per week, I thought that was a good idea, maybe for a total of 6. I also will be doing a class in coding and Fusion 360 as I am teaching it starting next week. I am taking an udemy course as well to learn the basics of coding and how they apply to every computer language.


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