Conference for MAD

On saturday the 4th I finished my brief performance video for the MAD Conference Description:​ In the performance for the MAD conference I performed and green screened myself in front of the miniature, as well as created a doll that is dressed similarly. Technically there were three different Julias. The doll version, the green screened version with the digitally moving face, and the Julia that is human scale and has the static face. The Performance starts with an over-the-top angle of the miniature, zooming in using the PTZ camera in the lab. The lights go out and various other hand-held lighting is involved, including in the vents and out the window, it then shows various shots of the inside of the miniature, including the doll Julia “sleeping.” This is followed by Julia waking up and approaching the performance space/in camera, but she has lost the face so she finds it in the closet and chases it down, eventually it calms down and attaches to where her face should be. She then gives the viewer on a tour of her room, switching between the doll and green screen version. She then says tover-the-top view of the human scale Julia going to open the box to show a special keepsake she has. The statue is of her aunt Tinkle. ​ The statue then going to its rightful spot on the shelf. As she is talking the “real” or human sized Julia peeks through the window startling the green screened version. The camera angle then switches to the doll Julia as the room is open by the human sized Julia and ends with the her throwing away the doll Julia and shutting the ceiling.​ What is it about?​ I wanted the performance to be about the collapse and creation of different scales, through the different Julias. Some of the filming needs to be reshot but overall the story of giving someone a tour of their room is all there. There obviously is a lot of stuff going on but the idea is that in Julia's world she felt like she could not be herself so she has constructed her own world, with reality and fantasy blurring and eventually in the end it comes crashing down.​ Some questions that the performance after doing it is why is Julia in a green screen suit? In the original iteration she was a green screen character and it made sense for the video and performance but maybe Julia has grown out of the green screen bodysuit. ​


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